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Mario Filchev
Executive Officer hos OBI+
April 23, 2020

New data partner in the OBI+ digital world

caruso and obiplus partnership We are happy to announce that OBI+ partners up with Caruso to provide new possibilities for partners and customers. As the first step in this collaboration, we will facilitate the integration of in-vehicle data from major automotive companies into our software services. This opens up new possibilities for the European partners and customers to expand their portfolio quickly and cost-effectively, especially in a time like nowadays when the uncertainty is high.

As Executive Officer at OBI+, it’s always a pleasure to share such news. I have been following the Caruso journey for a couple of years already. The team has been doing impressive work in creating an open medium for all market participants, joining forces with some of the leading industry players, and significantly increasing the awareness towards digitalization.

Who is Caruso?

Caruso’s mission is to connect the mobility data and service market. The company does that by driving digitalization with its open and neutral marketplace platform for mobility data and services trusted by a variety of European market players such as BMW. Daimler, Bosch, Mobivia, and others. You can read more about Caruso on its webpage.

3 things to highlight:

  • A great initiative supported by private and public market players.
  • Open medium for all market participants to collaborate and discuss
  • Neutral data brokering trusted by automotive manufacturers to handle in-vehicle data


What does this collaboration mean for OBI+ partners and customers?

We are committed to adding new capabilities to the OBI+ platform over time and connect the leading technology of tomorrow. This new collaboration is a step in that direction, especially when it comes to opening up new doors to partners and customers from the automotive aftermarket.

  • Introducing new data sources depending on the requirements of a project

We are ready to introduce new data sources that interface to the OBI+ platform and work seamlessly with our suite of web and mobile applications. An example of such a new source is a link to Mercedes-Benz vehicles with enabled in-built connectivity.

  • New possibilities to improve the services we offer by collaborating with other market participants

Joining the Caruso partner ecosystem opens doors to new possibilities to improve the connected car services. There are more ways to approach the introduction of new features in the existing services as well as supporting new projects and use cases.

Sign up to explore the services

Feel free to get in touch to discuss your possibilities to explore a safer, better, and smarter future powered by data. Sign up for a product tour to explore the connected car services we offer today and have a discussion about your project idea.

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